Your nonprofit has stories to share.


 Whether they’re about the beneficiaries of your programs or why your organization exists, the stories you have can inspire people around the world and in your backyard.


These stories need to reach your audience. 


Your stories are in a hyper-competitive marketplace.  With millions of hours of content consumed daily, it’s no longer enough to create a video, post it on Facebook and Instagram, and hope it gets seen.


We can help.


Through thoughtful storytelling and creative distribution strategies, we help your stories reach your audience, grow your donor base, and inspire change in your community and world. 



We’ll talk about your organization's goals and how we can help you achieve them through film, photography and marketing

Through our client discovery, we'll develop:

  • Your campaigns goals
  • Your target audience
  • Market Analysis
  • Content Audit
  • Creative development
  • Reaching your audience
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Budgets and deadlines


We'll work together through planning, production, and editing to ensure your film and photos truly reflect your story and your voice.

The services we provide include:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Scheduling
  • Permits and Locations
  • Producing
  • Directing
  • Lighting and Audio
  • Video Editing
  • Photo Editing
  • Motion Graphics


We execute the strategy to maximize the visibility of your campaign online.

We can help you get your story seen on:

  • Your website and landing pages
  • Social media
  • Traditional media
  • Email

At the end of the campaign, we'll provide detailed reports on the impact you achieved through the campaign based on the key performance indicators we established in the discovery process.


“Mark is a safe pair of hands.
His process, guiding us along a complex project’s journey was reassuringly complete.
Pitch-perfect project communication with a final storytelling product that has raised our video communications bar.”

Andy Miller

Deputy Director, Living Lakes Canada